
Sunday, 31 August 2014

Phonics Lesson 14

Learning objective: 

To read/write grapheme/phoneme /e/ and segment and blend cvc words


Play clap rap - 'Clap clap turn around, I'll show you a letter and you'll tell me its sound'
Get the children to clap with you and to actually turn around. Show them the letter, can they tell you the sound?
'Clap clap think and frown, I'll tell you a letter and you'll write it down'
Give each child a whiteboard for this so that they can write some of the letters they have learnt so far. (I do believe it is important to have the same emphasis on reading as well as writing. We often end up with children who can read better than they can write).


Teach /e/ using objects beginning with /e/
This is an eeeeegg, this is an eeeelephant, this is eeeempty

 Please click here for a set of phase 2 grapheme cards.
Use the Jolly phonics action.  Pretend to tap an egg on the side of a pan and crack it into the pan, saying eh, eh, eh

All the children to do the action and say the sound. Make sure each child is saying the sound correctly.

Skywrite the letter /e/ You could also get children to sit in a circle and write the sound on each other's back so they can really feel it.

Click here to download a little booklet for letter formation.


Play Bingo

You can either ask the children to draw a cross on their whiteboard and write their own words in or download the sheet below and write the words in and copy as many times as you need. I have deliberately included some adjacent consonant words. Lots of people teach this in phase 4 but I do believe that children can usually manage at this stage especially with the adjacent consonant at the end. Try your children and read the list with them first. If you have children who just cannot manage this then change the words for other words which include /e/

Use the following words

  1. pet
  2. pen
  3. ten
  4. net
  5. ted
  6. den
  7. peg
  8. tent
  9. dent
  10. tend
If using whiteboards write the list on a board. Children must choose 4 words to write on their board.
When they have done this - encourage them to do it quickly then begin playing bingo. You can either hide the board and just read out in random order or write the words on flashcards.


Reading captions

Download the following captions and ask the child to read and draw a picture of their caption. They must read it themselves by blending each word and thinking about the meaning of the caption.


Send Home:

A list of words to practice with a parent. The aim being fast blending to automacy.

Please click here for the list of words.

Lessons will be added daily so to find all of the lessons either click the label 'planning' in the side bar or click here.

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Phonics Lesson 13

Learning objective: 

To read/write grapheme/phoneme /ck/ and segment and blend cvc words


Go through the letters learnt so far s,a,t,p,i,n, m, d, g, o, c, k and quickly show the flashcard and read together.

Play roll the word

If you work one to one or a small group you can just write some words on their whiteboards along with the dice each with the appropriate letters. They must roll the dice and make one of the words. When they have crossed them all off they have finished. If you work with a class then download the sheet below.

DOWNLOAD- Roll the word


click, pick, kick, tick, tuck, tack, sack, pack

 Please click here for a set of phase 2 grapheme cards.
Use the Jolly phonics action.  Raise hands and snap fingers as if playing castanets and say ck ck ck

All the children to do the action and say the sound. Make sure each child is saying the sound correctly.

Skywrite the letter /ck/ (joined up writing) - please refer to your handwriting policy and make sure child is making the /ck/ shape correctly. You could also get children to sit in a circle and write the sound on each other's back so they can really feel it.

Click here to download a little booklet for letter formation.


Play Bingo

You can either ask the children to draw a cross on their whiteboard and write their own words in or download the sheet below and write the words in and copy as many times as you need.

Use the following words

  1. pick
  2. tick
  3. sick
  4. kick
  5. sock
  6. pack
  7. tack
  8. nick
  9. tock
  10. Mick
If using whiteboards write the list on a board. Children must choose 4 words to write on their board.
When they have done this - encourage them to do it quickly then begin playing bingo. You can either hide the board and just read out in random order or write the words on flashcards.


Reading captions

Download the following captions and ask the child to read and draw a picture of their caption. They must read it themselves by blending each word and thinking about the meaning of the caption.


Send Home:

A list of words to practice with a parent. The aim being fast blending to automacy.
This sheet contains two words with more than one syllable. This shouldn't be a problem but just to make sure help the children blend these two words before they take it home.

Show them how you read the first bit p/o/ck/ and then e/t and put it together 'pocket'

Please click here for the list of words.

Lessons will be added daily so to find all of the lessons either click the label 'planning' in the side bar or click here.

Friday, 29 August 2014

Picture sort - beginning sounds

This is a simple activity where the child must cut out the pictures and decide which is the beginning sound.

DOWNLOAD: Picture sort

Phonics Lesson 12

Learning objective: 

To read/write grapheme/phoneme /k/ and segment and blend cvc words


Go through the letters learnt so far s,a,t,p,i,n, m, d, g, o, c and quickly show the flashcard and read together.


Read out the sounds and the child must write it on a whiteboard.


Teach /k/ using the flash card and objects beginning with the /c/ sound. Emphasis the kkkkkite sound before saying the name of the objects. This is a kkkkkid, This is a ccccat,  this is a kkkkkkiss  Please click here for a set of phase 2 grapheme cards.
Use the Jolly phonics action.  Raise hands and snap fingers as if playing castanets and say kkkkk

All the children to do the action and say the sound. Make sure each child is saying the sound correctly.

Skywrite the letter /k/ and make sure child is making the /k/ shape correctly. You could also get children to sit in a circle and write the sound on each other's back so they can really feel it.

Click here to download a little booklet for letter formation.


Use Magnetic letters for segmenting.

Use the following letters -k, i, d, n, t, p, m at the top of each board and then ask the children to make the following words.

  1. kid
  2. kin
  3. kit
  4. kip
  5. Kim


The children should be beginning to understand blending, reading and segmenting now so it is time to begin some caption work. 

Children to apply their knowledge to write a simple caption. 

'a kid in a kit'

Show them the caption by writing it on a sentence strip. Everyone reads it together. Make sure you model sounding out and blending each word. Read and reread until the children know the caption. Count how many words their are. Ask each child to tell you what the caption is. Remove the caption and ask each child to write the caption on a whiteboard.


You have now taught the next six sounds and it is useful to assess how the children are doing. Even if you spend a lesson doing it. Put out some of the games/activities for children to work interdependently whilst you assess each child in turn. Use the 'assessment sheet' one to one with the children to check they all know these letter. If they do not then you need to include these letters in further lessons during revisit/review. If there are strugglers with blending you must do more of this in revisit/review and in the practise session. One of the useful activities that I use for blending can be found on this link.

Check their phoneme/grapheme correspondences with this sheet.

Check their blending with this sheet

Send Home:

A list of words to practice with a parent. The aim being fast blending to automacy.

Please click here for the list of words.

Lessons will be added daily so to find all of the lessons either click the label 'planning' in the side bar or click here.

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Phonics Lesson 11

Learning objective: 

To read/write grapheme/phoneme /c/ and segment and blend cvc words


Go through the letters learnt so far s,a,t,p,i,n, m, d, g, o and quickly show the flashcard and read together.

Play race the sound

Decide which grid you want to use with your children. There may be a couple of sounds they are struggling with or you may want to use 6 different ones. I use just normal dice and cover with a little sticky label with the sound written on.


Teach /c/ using the flash card and objects beginning with the /c/ sound. Emphasis the cccccc sound before saying the name of the objects. This is a cccccclock, This is a ccccat,  this is a ccccake  Please click here for a set of phase 2 grapheme cards.
Use the Jolly phonics action.  Raise hands and snap fingers as if playing castanets and say c c c

All the children to do the action and say the sound. Make sure each child is saying the sound correctly.

Skywrite the letter /c/ and make sure child is making the /c/ shape correctly. You could also get children to sit in a circle and write the sound on each other's back so they can really feel it.

Click here to download a little booklet for letter formation.


Use Magnetic letters for segmenting.

Use the following letters - c, o, a, g, t, p, n, at the top of each board and then ask the children to make the following words.

  1. cot
  2. cog
  3. cop
  4. cap
  5. can
  6. cat


The children should be beginning to understand blending, reading and segmenting now so it is time to begin some caption work. 

Children to apply their knowledge to write a simple caption. 

'a cat in a can'

Show them the caption by writing it on a sentence strip. Everyone reads it together. Make sure you model sounding out and blending each word. Read and reread until the children know the caption. Count how many words their are. Ask each child to tell you what the caption is. Remove the caption and ask each child to write the caption on a whiteboard.

Send Home:

A list of words to practice with a parent. The aim being fast blending to automacy.

Please click here for the list of words.

Lessons will be added daily so to find all of the lessons either click the label 'planning' in the side bar or click here.

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Alien word board game

This board game makes use of 'alien' words using all the sounds from phase 2 of letters and sounds. Children can play together in pairs or you can play with a small group of children.

DOWNLOAD: Alien Board Game

Phonics Lesson 10

Learning objective: 

To read/write grapheme/phoneme /o/ and segment and blend cvc words


Go through the letters learnt so far s,a,t,p,i,n, m, d, g and quickly show the flashcard and read together.

Lay out A4 Flashcards of the letters on the floor and play 'Walk around and find a sound'


Teach /o/ using the flash card and objects beginning with the /o/ sound. Emphasis the ooooo sound before saying the name of the objects. This is a ooooorange, This is an ooooctopus,  this is an ooooctagon  Please click here for a set of phase 2 grapheme cards.
Use the Jolly phonics action.  Pretend to turn light switch on and off and say o, o; o, o

All the children to do the action and say the sound. Make sure each child is saying the sound correctly.

Skywrite the letter /o/ and make sure child is making the /o/ shape correctly. You could also get children to sit in a circle and write the sound on each other's back so they can really feel it.

Click here to download a little booklet for letter formation.


Play 4 in a row in partners. You can download words using /o/ by clicking here.


The children should be beginning to understand blending, reading and segmenting now so it is time to begin some caption work. 

Children to apply their knowledge to write a simple caption. 

'A dog and a mop'

Show them the caption by writing it on a sentence strip. Everyone reads it together. Make sure you model sounding out and blending each word. Read and reread until the children know the caption. Count how many words their are. Ask each child to tell you what the caption is. Remove the caption and ask each child to write the caption on a whiteboard.

Send Home:

A list of words to practice with a parent. The aim being fast blending to automacy.

Please click here for the list of words.

Lessons will be added daily so to find all of the lessons either click the label 'planning' in the side bar or click here.

Monday, 25 August 2014

Phonics Lesson 9

Learning objective: 

To read/write grapheme/phoneme /g/ and segment and blend cvc words


Go through the letters learnt so far s,a,t,p,i,n, m, d  and quickly show the flashcard and read together.

Lay out A4 Flashcards of the letters on the floor and play 'Walk around and find a sound'


Teach /g/ using the flash card and objects beginning with the /g/ sound. Emphasis the ggggg sound before saying the name of the objects. This is a gggggirl, This is a a ggggoat, this is a ggggarden,  Please click here for a set of phase 2 grapheme cards.
Use the Jolly phonics action.  Spiral hand down, as if water going down the drain, and say g, g, g.

All the children to do the action and say the sound. Make sure each child is saying the sound correctly.

Skywrite the letter /g/ and make sure child is making the /g/ shape correctly. You could also get children to sit in a circle and write the sound on each other's back so they can really feel it.

Click here to download a little booklet for letter formation.



The children should be beginning to understand blending, reading and segmenting now so it is time to begin some caption work. 

Children to apply their knowledge to write a simple caption. 

'A pig on a mat'

Show them the caption by writing it on a sentence strip. Everyone reads it together. Make sure you model sounding out and blending each word. Read and reread until the children know the caption. Count how many words their are. Ask each child to tell you what the caption is. Remove the caption and ask each child to write the caption on a whiteboard.

Send Home:

A list of words to practice with a parent. The aim being fast blending to automacy.

Please click here for the list of words.

Lessons will be added daily so to find all of the lessons either click the label 'planning' in the side bar or click here.

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Alien word sort

When Felix dresses up as an Alien he talks in an alien language. Can the children read the words and collect just the alien words to put in his rocket.

Blending is really important and sometimes children begin to blend a word and then they guess what it might be. Lots of work on 'non words' is really important. It shows the skill of blending rather than guessing at words. This activity is a fun activity for children to work out which words are 'alien words' Children could work in partners and you could print the rocket on A3 to give a bit more room. Children can cut and stick the alien words on the rocket or they can just write the alien words on the rocket.

These sounds are purely from phase 2 of Letters and Sounds.


Phonics lesson 8

Learning objective: 

To read/write grapheme/phoneme /d/ and segment and blend cvc words


Go through the letters learnt so far s,a,t,p,i,n, m and quickly show the flashcard and read together.

Quickwrite - read a sound and the child has to quickly write it on their board. 

Play 'fingers' - read a cvc word from the 'taking home' list and ask the children to show how many sounds they can hear by showing you that number of fingers. I usually get them to count under their desks or behind their backs and then I shout 'show me!'


Teach /d/ using the flash card and objects beginning with the /d/ sound. Emphasis the ddddddd sound before saying the name of the objects. This is a dddduck, This is a a dddddog, this is a dddddandelion  Please click here for a set of phase 2 grapheme cards.
Use the Jolly phonics action.  Beat hands up and down as if playing a drum and say d, d, d

All the children to do the action and say the sound. Make sure each child is saying the sound correctly.

Skywrite the letter /d/ and make sure child is making the /d/ shape correctly. You could also get children to sit in a circle and write the sound on each other's back so they can really feel it.

Click here to download a little booklet for letter formation.

I cannot emphasise enough how important the letter formation for /d/ is at this time. This will help the children who get b/d mixed up if they learn the letter formation correctly.


Introduce phoneme frames to the children. A sound goes in each box. Give each child a whiteboard and pen and explain how you are going to write some words (if the child struggles with writing then give them some magnetic letters.) Show the child how to draw two lines down their whiteboard to divide it into 3. Please see this post on Phoneme frames. How would we write the following words?

  1. dim
  2. dam
  3. mad
  4. dip
  5. tad
Make sure you do the first one with the children to model listening to the sounds in the word. Verbally say 'dim' and then stretch it out 'diiiimmmmt', then count with your fingers how many sounds you can hear dddd/i/m/ I can hear 3 sounds.
The first sound is /d/ - show the children where you start writing. I usually put a dot on the first box on the phoneme frame. Write the /d/ show correct letter formation. Then say the word again and listen carefully to what the next sound is. Write this in the middle box and finally repeat with the last box. When you have written the word. Show the children how to blend the sounds into the word again. They must check this when they do their writing.


The children should be beginning to understand blending, reading and segmenting now so it is time to begin some caption word. 

If you take a look at Word thief and use this activity with one of the following captions.

a sad man
dad and nan
Sid is sad

If you have time the child could make a bracelet with one of the captions so they can continue to practise reading throughout the day.

Send Home:

A list of words to practice with a parent. The aim being fast blending to automacy.

Please click here for the list of words.

Lessons will be added daily so to find all of the lessons either click the label 'planning' in the side bar or click here.

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Phonics lesson 7

Learning objective: 

To read/write grapheme/phoneme /m/ and segment and blend cvc words


Go through the letters learnt so far s,a,t,p,i,n and quickly show the flashcard and read together.

Photocopy 3 or 4 sets of the grapheme cards s/a/t/p/i/n shuffle and deal out to the children. Tell the children you are going to ask for a card and if they have it they must give it to you. The child who gets rid of their cards first is the winner.

Give me 'sssssss'
Give me 'aaaaaa'
Give me 'ttttttttttttt'

continue until a child gets rid of all their cards. Repeat this game if there is time.


Teach /m/ using the flash card and objects beginning with the /m/ sound. Emphasis the mmmmm sound before saying the name of the objects. This is mmmmilk, This is a a mmmmonkey, this is a mmmmouse Please click here for a set of phase 2 grapheme cards.
Use the Jolly phonics action.  Rub tummy as if seeing tasty food and say mmmmmm

All the children to do the action and say the sound. Make sure each child is saying the sound correctly.

Skywrite the letter /m/ and make sure child is making the /m/ shape correctly. You could also get children to sit in a circle and write the sound on each other's back so they can really feel it.

Click here to download a little booklet for letter formation.


Introduce phoneme frames to the children. A sound goes in each box. Give each child a whiteboard and pen and explain how you are going to write some words (if the child struggles with writing then give them some magnetic letters.) Show the child how to draw two lines down their whiteboard to divide it into 3. Please see this post on Phoneme frames. How would we write the following words?

  1. mat
  2. man
  3. map
  4. mit
  5. mop
Make sure you do the first one with the children to model listening to the sounds in the word. Verbally say 'mat' and then stretch it out 'mmmmmmaaaaaattttttt', then count with your fingers how many sounds you can hear mmmmm/aaaaaa/ttttttt/ I can hear 3 sounds.
The first sound is /m/ - show the children where you start writing. I usually put a dot on the first box on the phoneme frame. Write the /m/ show correct letter formation. Then say the word again and listen carefully to what the next sound is. Write this in the middle box and finally repeat with the last box. When you have written the word. Show the children how to blend the sounds into the word again. They must check this when they do their writing.


Demonstrate how to write the /m grapheme on a whiteboard. Children to make  bracelets with strips of card. See here.  This time however, they are writing some cvc words to practise blending during the day. They can choose one or two words from the above list. Tape the bracelet to the child's hand and ask the child to keep reminding themselves of the words during the day. Keep asking children what their words say. Send a quick note home to parents before beginning these sessions asking them to keep asking their child what the word/words/ say on their bracelet.

Send Home:

A list of words to practice with a parent. The aim being fast blending to automacy.

Please click here for the list of words.

Lessons will be added daily so to find all of the lessons either click the label 'planning' in the side bar or click here.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Phonics lesson 6

Learning objective: 

To read/write grapheme/phoneme /n/ and blend simple vc and cvc words


Photocopy 3 or 4 sets of the grapheme cards s/a/t/p/i, shuffle and deal out to the children. Tell the children you are going to ask for a card and if they have it they must give it to you. The child who gets rid of their cards first is the winner.

Give me 'sssssss'
Give me 'aaaaaa'
Give me 'ttttttttttttt'

continue until a child gets rid of all their cards. Repeat this game if there is time.


Teach /n/ using the flash card and objects beginning with the /p/ sound. Emphasis the nnnn sound before saying the name of the objects. This is a nnnnnet.  This is a nnnnnail etc. Please click here for a set of phase 2 grapheme cards.
Use the Jolly phonics action.  Make a noise, as if you are a plane - hold arms out and say nnnnnn

All the children to do the action and say the sound. Make sure each child is saying the sound correctly.

Skywrite the letter /n/ and make sure child is making the /n/ shape correctly. You could also get children to sit in a circle and write the sound on each other's back so they can really feel it.

Click here to download a little booklet for letter formation.


Show children the dice and counters game. Modelling how to blend the sounds together. If you feel your children are not ready for this then use the sheet which has just the sounds on. You can find it on this link. or differentiate accordingly. Children to play 'dice and counters' game in pairs. Each child must check that the other child is reading the word correctly. Pair up a more able child with a less able child to allow peer learning. To play the game you must have coloured counters and a die. A child picks a counter out of a bag and then throws the die. They must find the square to read and read it by sounding out each letter and blending together.  If correct they can draw a circle around it in a coloured pen. The other person then does the same and draws a circle around the word with another pen. Who can read the most words in the time given?
You will need to model the game first


Demonstrate how to write the /n/ grapheme on a whiteboard. Children to make /n/ bracelets with strips of card. See here. They must write and say the sound over and over. Tape the bracelet to the child's hand and ask the child to keep reminding themselves of the sound during the day. Keep asking children what their sound is. Send a quick note home to parents before beginning these sessions asking them to recap the sound with their child at home.

Send Home:

A list of words to practice with a parent. The aim being fast blending to automacy.

Please click here for the list of words.


You have now taught the first 6 sounds and it is useful to assess how the children are doing. Even if you spend a lesson doing it. Put out some of the games/activities for children to work interdependently whilst you assess each child in turn. Use the 'assessment sheet' one to one with the children to check they all know these letter. If they do not then you need to include these letters in further lessons during revisit/review. If there are strugglers with blending you must do more of this in revisit/review and in the practise session. One of the useful activities that I use for blending can be found on this link.

Check their phoneme/grapheme correspondences with this sheet.
Check their blending with this sheet

Lessons will be added daily so to find all of the lessons either click the label 'planning' in the side bar or click here.


satpin board games

Two board games to download using the 6 letters of satpin. To make games a little more interesting and a bit more competitive then give a counter, coin or sticker to the child who reads their word or sound perfectly. Who can win the most counters?

All you need to play are two counters and a die. Throw the die and read the square you land on.

DOWNLOAD: Can you blend and read?
DOWNLOAD: Do you know your sounds?

Phonics lesson 5

Learning objective: 

To read/write grapheme/phoneme /i/ and blend simple vc and cvc words


Play clap rap - 'Clap clap turn around, I'll show you a letter and you'll tell me its sound'
Get the children to clap with you and to actually turn around. Show them the letter, can they tell you the sound?
'Clap clap think and frown, I'll tell you a letter and you'll write it down'
Give each child a whiteboard for this so that they can write the 3 letters they have learnt so far. (I do believe it is important to have the same emphasis on reading as well as writing. We often end up with children who can read better than they can write).


Teach /i/ using the flash card and objects beginning with the /p/ sound. Emphasis the iiiii sound before saying the name of the objects. This is iiiiink, This is an iiiiigloo  etc. Please click here for a set of phase 2 grapheme cards.
Use the Jolly phonics action.  Pretend to be a mouse by wriggling fingers at end of nose and squeak i, i, i.

All the children to do the action and say the sound. Make sure each child is saying the sound correctly.

Skywrite the letter /i/ and make sure child is making the /i/ shape correctly. You could also get children to sit in a circle and write the sound on each other's back so they can really feel it.

Click here to download a little booklet for letter formation.


Demonstrate blending letters to make words by using a magnetic board and the 5 letters learned so far
/s/ /a/ /t//p/i
at, as, sat, pat, tap, tip, it, in, sip, pit, sit
  Children to sound talk the letters with you and blend into the word. Start off slow and read faster and faster.

Sound talk the words to the children without the letters and see if they can tell you what the word is.

Give each child a magnetic board with the following 5 letters - s,a,t,p,i and repeat the above words. The children have to try and make the words with their magnetic letters. If the children are struggling then just do the vc words and model first.


Demonstrate how to write the /i/ grapheme on a whiteboard. Children to make /i/ bracelets with strips of card. See here. They must write and say the sound over and over. Tape the bracelet to the child's hand and ask the child to keep reminding themselves of the sound during the day. Keep asking children what their sound is. Send a quick note home to parents before beginning these sessions asking them to recap the sound with their child at home.

Send Home:

A list of words to practice with a parent. The aim being fast blending to automacy.

Please click here for the list of words.

Lessons will be added daily so to find all of the lessons either click the label 'planning' in the side bar or click here.


Wednesday, 20 August 2014

SATPIN assessment

Here are two sheets which can be used for assessment purposes and also the children will love doing them. All they need to do is read the graphemes or words and then they can colour a star. The aim is to colour all the stars. Great for target setting for your children. For example if they cannot read one of the graphemes then they need to practise that grapheme until they can. I will add more of these as I get further on with my phonics intervention.

Download: How many words can you read?
Download: How many graphemes can you read?

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Phonics lesson 4

Learning objective: 

To read/write grapheme/phoneme /p/ and blend simple vc and cvc words


Play clap rap - 'Clap clap turn around, I'll show you a letter and you'll tell me its sound'
Get the children to clap with you and to actually turn around. Show them the letter, can they tell you the sound?
'Clap clap think and frown, I'll tell you a letter and you'll write it down'
Give each child a whiteboard for this so that they can write the 3 letters they have learnt so far. (I do belive it is important to have the same emphasis on reading as well as writing. We often end up with children who can read better than they can write).


Teach /p/ using the flash card and objects beginning with the /p/ sound. Emphasis the ppppp sound before saying the name of the objects. This is a pppppig This is a ppppot etc. Please click here for a set of phase 2 grapheme cards.
Use the Jolly phonics action.  Pretend to puff out candles and say p, p, p.

All the children to do the action and say the sound. Make sure each child is saying the sound correctly.

Skywrite the letter /p/ and make sure child is making the /p/ shape correctly. You could also get children to sit in a circle and write the sound on each other's back so they can really feel it.

Click here to download a little booklet for letter formation.


Demonstrate blending letters to make words by using a magnetic board and the 4 letters learned so far
/s/ /a/ /t//p/
at, as, sat, pat, tap
  Children to sound talk the letters with you and blend into the word. Start off slow and read faster and faster.

Sound talk the words to the children without the letters and see if they can tell you what the word is.


Demonstrate how to write the /p/ grapheme on a whiteboard. Children to make /p/ bracelets with strips of card. See here. They must write and say the sound over and over. Tape the bracelet to the child's hand and ask the child to keep reminding themselves of the sound during the day. Keep asking children what their sound is. Send a quick note home to parents before beginning these sessions asking them to recap the sound with their child at home.

Send Home:

A list of words to practice with a parent. The aim being fast blending to automacy.

Please click here for the list of words.

Lessons will be added daily so to find all of the lessons either click the label 'planning' in the side bar or click here.


CVC Picture cards

There are some children who just cannot hear the words when they try and blend the sounds together. I have come across this a few times during my years teaching children phonics. To address this it is important to put the word cards away, put the letters away for a little while and concentrate on listening skills. One of the very successful things I used to do was using a set of picture cards and using those to practice the skill of listening to the blend. I had one little boy a few years ago who had managed to reach year 2 and still could not blend. He just didn't quite get what he was supposed to do. He had learnt all his graphemes in phase 2 and knew quite a few in phase 3 but just couldn't blend them together to make a word.

The first thing I did was to choose 2 cards with 2 different objects on. I laid them in front of him and asked him what they were. He could tell me without any problem. I then said I was going to ask for one of them but I was going to sound talk the word for him. If we say the two objects were a cat and a pen. I would then say 'Can you give me the p...e...n? If he didn't quite get it I said the sounds faster until I was nearly (but not quite) saying the word. He soon realised what the word was and passed me the card. I repeated this with another two cards. Eventually he got better at listening and could choose the correct card. I then added another card so he was choosing from 3 cards. We continued our sessions until eventually he has all the cards in front of him and could easily find the right card. Giving the child a big clue by showing the pictures really helped him focus on the sounds. He knew that it was one of two objects and soon realised that one began with a /p/ and the other with a /c/. It got trickier when I chose two cards which began with the same letter but he soon realised what he had to do.

When he could do this really well we then moved onto the grapheme cards and I started him on vc words like 'it, at, in, an, as, is, am,' and really got him to listen to himself saying these sounds. We progressed to cvc words and then to books. He is a very competent reader now. He was a bright boy but just hadn't made the connection between the sounds and the words.

This set of cards is similar to the cards I used with him. I have also included a full page of these pictures for playing bingo type games.

Of course the cards can be used for spelling practise too. Choose a card, say what it is and then spell it. If you laminate them then the child can write directly onto the card with a dry wipe pen.


DOWNLOAD: Sheet of CVC pictures

Monday, 18 August 2014

Phonics lesson 3

Learning objective: 

To read/write grapheme/phoneme /t/ and begin blending simple words.


Show the /s/a/ graphemes and remind the children of the sounds. Ask the children to write the sound in the air. Ask them to write it on a whiteboard.


Teach /t/ using the flash card and objects beginning with the /t/ sound. Emphasis the ttttt sound before saying the name of the objects. This is a ttttin, This is a tttap, This is a ttttoe. etc Please click here for a set of phase 2 grapheme cards.

Use the Jolly phonics action.  Turn head from side to side as if watching tennis and say t, t, t.

All the children to do the action and say the sound. Make sure each child is saying the sound correctly.

Skywrite the letter /t/ and make sure child is making the /t/ shape correctly. You could also get children to sit in a circle and write the sound on each other's back so they can really feel it.

Click here to download a little booklet for letter formation.


Demonstrate blending letters to make words by using a magnetic board and the 3 letters learned so far
/s/ /a/ /t/
at, as, sat,
Children to sound talk the letters with you and blend into the word. Begin very slowly but increase the speed and ask the children to do the same with you. Take the board away and soundtalk one of the words. Which word is it? Make a game of this.


Give each child 6 magnetic letters which include s/a/t and ask them to find you /s/ then /a/ then /t/. Make a bit of a game of this. 
Demonstrate how to write the /t/ grapheme on a whiteboard. Children to make /t/ bracelet with strips of card. See here. They must write and say the sound over and over. Tape the bracelet to the child's hand and ask the child to keep reminding themselves of the sound during the day. Keep asking children what their sound is. Send a quick note home to parents before beginning these sessions asking them to recap the sound with their child at home.

Lessons will be added daily so to find all of the lessons either click the label 'planning' in the side bar or click here.