
Monday, 18 August 2014

Phonics lesson 2

Learning objective: 

To read/write grapheme/phoneme /a/


Show the /s/ grapheme and remind the children of the sound. Ask the children to write the sound in the air. Ask them to write it on a whiteboard.


Teach /a/ using the flash card and objects beginning with the /a/ sound. Emphasis the aaaa sound before saying the name of the objects. This is an aaaapple, This is an aaaambulance, This is an aaaant. etc. Please click here for a set of phase 2 grapheme cards.

Use the Jolly phonics action.  Wiggle fingers above elbow as if ants crawling on you and say a, a, a.

All the children to do the action and say the sound. Make sure each child is saying the sound correctly.

Skywrite the letter /a/ and make sure child is making the /a/ shape correctly. You could also get children to sit in a circle and write the sound on each other's back so they can really feel it. Other suggestions would be to use playdough or plastercine to make the letter.

Click here to download a little booklet for letter formation.


Give each child a ‘satpin *strip. See here to download. Can they find the /s/? Can they find the /a/? Recap listening for sounds at the beginning of words. Collect some objects together which begin with the letters a and s. Show them an object and they put a finger on the letter that the object begins with. Use /s/ and /a/


Demonstrate how to write the /a/ grapheme on a whiteboard. Children to make /a/ bracelets with strips of card. See here. They must write and say the sound over and over. Tape the bracelet to the child's hand and ask the child to keep reminding themselves of the sound during the day. Keep asking children what their sound is. Send a quick note home to parents before beginning these sessions asking them to recap the sound with their child at home.

Lessons will be added daily so to find all of the lessons either click the label 'planning' in the side bar or click here.

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